
I recently finished a book called “Rebound” by Kwame Alexander. I read his other book called “Crossover” and I liked it so I thought I would try “Rebound”. This book has the same format as “Crossover” but is different. I enjoyed the plot and I like the series but I liked “Crossover” a bit more.


Stargirl was a book I read a while ago that was one of my favorites. It’s about a boy at a middle school and a new student named Stargirl comes. At first, she gets a lot of attention and no one hates her. But, then, a few incidents happen where people saw Stargirl do some stuff that made them not pay attention to her since she was different.

Basketball Books

A book I recently finished was a “Crossover”. It is a book that is in a poem format and talks about twins that play on their basketball team and has a dad that used to play professional.

I like the book but their’s not really a story to the book. It has several chapters and each chapter doesn’t really continue of the one before it.

Another basketball I read was a book called “Legends”. This book talks about the legends of basketball and what they did to affect the game today. I also liked the book and was interesting to read about players that I didn’t watch that played in the 60’s and 70’s, and learned how basketball grew.

Spy School

Spy School is a book I recently read and I enjoyed it. It is about a student that had a spy come over to his house and the spy invited him to join a spy camp. The boy thought about it and soon agreed to come to the camp. Now, he has to live as a spy dealing with problems almost everyday.